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LinkedIn for Lawyers. Why your firm should have a profile.

Some law firms have reservations about LinkedIn. Some think is too mainstream, some think it could hurt their reputation, some don’t really know what it is, some can’t be bothered. We think Linkedin is important for law firms.

Is LinkedIn for you?

If you want more clients, be present in people’s minds, be seen as an innovative, modern firm then LinkedIn may be a very good addition to your marketing mix.

Lawyers DO spend time on LinkedIn sharing, engaging and learning. Professionals in LinkedIn voluntarily created a profile and it would be safe to assume that they did so in order to speak, connect and interact with other professionals and to access interesting information. There are thousands of lawyers and in-house counsel with a profile on LinkedIn! So why miss this opportunity?

Create a profile for your firm and encourage members of your firm to create their profile too and link it to your company page. Afterwards, write interesting content or share content that will have value to your audience. If you audience are in-house counsel, investors, company owners etc. publish short articles that will be interested to them.

Don’t just talk about your firm.

Is very tempting to talk about your firm only. You can certainly share news, achievements and so on but this should be kept to a minimum. The main bulk of your content should be on topics, updates, an insight that your audience will find useful. Tell them something they don’t know, suggest an alternative point of view or share an interesting development.

If you are too busy doing your work consider having someone writing on behalf of the firm or on your behalf. This is called a ghostwriter. You can brief your writer on the tone, suggest topics and they will write it for you.

Test and listen to your audience. What you may find interesting may not be so for your audience so test some articles and then listen to the reaction. Test different type of content to see what works best.

We can help you create rich and engaging content. Contact us today.


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