Legal directories’ submissions for a full-service firm in Colombia

Legal directories’ submissions for a full-service firm in Colombia

This large and well-known Colombian firm trusted us with the preparation of more than sixteen submissions for Chambers and Partners. In most areas the firm already has a top ranking, so the brief was to maintain their position. Our involvement included advising them on the best matters to put forward, positioning the lawyers to their best advantage and writing the submissions themselves. Since we started working with this firm, they have improved their rankings in several practice areas, while maintaining their rankings in the others. Find out more about other successful case studies here.
Social media audit for a Colombian law firm

Social media audit for a Colombian law firm

A large full-service firm in Colombia with an in-house social media team and community manager came to us requesting that we complete a social media audit. We evaluated the configuration of all their social media accounts, analysed the most effective posts and suggested future strategies to improve their engagement and web traffic. Following our evaluation, the firm have dramatically improved the effectiveness of their activity in their social media profiles. Find out more about other successful case studies here.